Fee : Rs.2000 ~ Rs.2500
Verified doctor
Ms. Fatima Niazi is a Physiotherapist practicing in Lahore. WIth BSPT, TDPT, M.Phil, and MS Ortho degrees, She has over 20 years of experience. <br> You can book an appointment with her through oladoc. Fatima Niazi has praticed enough years to know that physiotherpay can do wonders for patients of pain. You can read some of her advice through these links:<a href="https://oladoc.com/health-zone/treating-bad-knees-chondromalacia-patellae/">Treating Bad knees, Chondromalacia Patellae</a>,<a href="https://oladoc.com/health-zone/unblocking-peripheral-blockades-treating-preventing-deep-vein-thrombosis/">Unblocking Peripheral Blockades: Treating and Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis</a>.